Busan Classes


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Busan Class: My Pictionary
(For Elementary School, 8 to 10 years of age)  Time: Mondays and Saturdays, 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


To get a good understanding of what they wish to do in the future and have fun learning about many occupations and possibilities available to them, learn songs, and chase their dream.


Topic for September: My dream

Presentation at the end of the month: Through arts and presentation techniques, prepare their “My Pictionary” book and present it with words and pictures to others. 

Week class work Homework Files

*Vocabulary, some needed terms

*Reading and picture Analysis

*Describing places and situations

*Learn about “Job Categories”

Search for more jobs in paper, cut out the wanted ads, and bring them with some pictures to the class on Saturday

**Web: presentation 1



PPT: presentation 1


2 Hands-on: check out a parent’s job location and try to understand what is going on. Take pictures. *Go to another parent’s job location, and take pictures and describe the action Identify the people you took pictures of and their roles. Write down who the people in your pictures and the people you noticed in the office do.  

*Check homework

*talk about people in pictures and why each person is important. *Start to put together words and pictures, ideas and Grammar check
Start to put together your book. Gather newspaper cutouts, pictures you took of parents at work, etc. and bring to the next class. -Beautify your work, with some decorations, etc. in class and at home.  

*Work for class presentation

 *Present to the class and your parents 

Go over the presentation. See the video, encourage and explain how it could be better. Mention the next topic.  


Topic for October: My Family & the importance of Family

Presentation at the end of the month: Be able to draw a portrait of their families and be able to ask and answer questions about them.

Week class work Homework Files

*Vocabulary, some needed terms

*Reading and picture Analysis Make a questioner to give to your parents.

Homework 1: Look for a picture of your family and bring it to the class. Homework 2: Make up questions to ask people about their families.

Homework 3: Work on your making book presentation about "My family."

Family file


My family presentation

2 Hands-on: Choose a mom and dad, and interview them. ask them about family and what it means to be a family. Find some important reasons why we have families. Answer this question: What would happen if you were alone? Your homework? --->>>>>>>>>>>>> Checkout your homework by clicking this link

Document File


*Check homework

*Start to put the ideas about families together. Use internet and search for family histories. How old is your family? How did families live 5000 years ago? How are things different now?
Start to put together your book. collect information from internet about families, about 5000 years ago and today. bring them to class.
Checkout your homework by clicking this link

Document File


*Work for class presentation

Monday 29th: *Present the corrected, memorized presentation to the class and your parents 

Go over the presentation.

Homework 1:
Take a picture of your room and bring it to class.
Think about what your space looks like.

Homework 2:
Answer this question: What is your environment?
Homework 3:
Go to: Wikipedia in and search for the meaning of personal space.

Homework 3:

http://en.wikipedia.org and in Korean: http://ko.wikipedia.org


Topic for November: My Space & Environment

Be able to present a great presentation of self and the space, people and environment around us and how it all effects our lives.

Week class work Homework Files

*Vocabulary, some needed terms

*Reading and picture Analysis. Learn about the importance of space and what PERSONAL SPACE means.

Homework 1: Make a picture drawing of your home, your room, your school, your best friends. 
Homework 2: Describe what your pictures show.
Homework 3: Find pictures and clipart of personal space and environment and bring to class.
Homework 4: Finish Personal Space Vocab.

Homework 5: Make questions to ask people about their Personal Space and Environment.

Check Wikipedia at: http://en.wikipedia.org and in Korean: http://ko.wikipedia.org and Naver at: http://www.naver.com

Personal Space Vocab
2 Hands-on:
*Ask the people you know about personal space and what it means to them.
*Start putting together your presentation.

Homework 1: Finish working on your drawings and prepare them for the presentation.
Homework 2: Work on your presentation (page 1 to 8)

Homework 2: Presentation

3 *Think about your Personal Space. Is it clean, dirty... How can you best describe it.
*Try to finish your presentation.

Homework 1: Work on your presentation (page 1 to 7)

4 Presentation:<> Go over the presentation. See the video, encourage and explain how it could be better. Mention the next topic.
Homework 1: Think about doing your best. What does it mean? Bring a picture of someone who has been the best at what they do.
Homework 2:
What does ASPIRE mean to you? What is EXCELLENCE?
Homework 3:
Go to: Wikipedia in and search for the two words above.


Topic for December: Aspiration towards Excellence

To get a better Idea of what it means to live and gain a better appreciation for everyday things. Be able to present the ideas in a well-defined and understandable way and see how our everyday tasks shape our future.

Week class work Homework Files

*Vocabulary, some needed terms

*Reading and picture Analysis. Learn about the importance of space and what aspiration towards excellence means.

****For Monday with 영경:
Homework 1:
Make a picture drawing of what you do in a day. look at the example----> 
Homework 2: Write why each of the things you do in a day are important (in notebook) 
Homework 3: Finish aspiration towards excellence Vocab.
Homework 4:
Come up with a few questions to ask your friends and family about what it means to do your best. (in notebooks)

Homework 1:

word: example1

html: example 1



Homework 3:

word: vocab4

html: vocab4

2 Hands-on:
*Ask people the questions you wrote about asking people...
See how  aspiration towards excellence means doing your best.
*Start putting together your presentation.
****For Monday with Dr. 고:
Homework 1:
Write what Inspiration Towards Excellence means to you in English. ----->

Homework 2:
What is your goal and what do you need to do to achieve(get) it. Draw pictures and Write why they are each important. ---->

Homework 3:
Work on your presentation (page 1 to 2)

****For Saturday with  Mehran:
Homework 4:
Prepare for vocabulary test
Homework 5: Check and present your journal.

Homework 1:

word: example

html: example


Homework 2:

word: example2

html: example 2


Homework 3:

word: presentation

html: presentation

3 *Think about your everyday life, and see how you are following the path of aspiration towards excellence. describe how.
*Try to finish your presentation.
Homework 1: Make a picture drawing of what is your goal and what must you do to achieve it. Then explain why. look at the example---->

Homework 2: answer these questions:
1.) Why you try to do your best?
2.) What would happen if everyone did their best?
3.) What is the best for you to do in your life? Why?
Homework 3:
Work on your presentation (page 1 to 7) --->




Homework 3:

word: presentation

html: presentation

4 Presentation:<> Go over the presentation. See the video, encourage and explain how it could be better. Get ready for the winter camp in Jaeju  


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This site was last updated 10/10/09