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Virtue Songs, #6 Helpfulness

May I, May I help you?


May I, may I help you?


May I, May I help you?


May I help you today?


May I help you clean the floor?


May I help you clean the floor?


May I help you clean the floor?


May I help you today?



Human brotherhood and dependence exist because mutual helpfulness and cooperation are the two necessary principles underlying human welfare.

`Abdu˘®¯l-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p. 150


Korean: _______________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________








1.) What does helpfulness mean? Why is it important? _______________________



2.) Who helps you in the house? ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


3.) Who do you help in the house? _______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


4.) What is mutual helpfulness? _________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________


5.) Do we all need help? Why? __________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________