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Conversation / neighbors

Alice and Britney


Knock, knock, knock

Britney: Just a minute. Yes, who is it?

Alice: Hi Britney, its Alice.

Britney: Oh hi Alice. Just a second; I have to undo the latch. Tick, ting, chuck. Ok. Wow, hi. It’s been a long time.

Alice: Yes it has, and we just returned from our trip to the Bahamas. The flight was long but the vacation was great. It was just what I needed.

Britney: you had been working a lot. So what did you see there?

Alice: I saw a lot of people on the beach. The beach was beautiful. We had so much fun there on the beach and in our hotels. There was a great band playing everyday in the hotel and every night, a concert of native music was held.

Britney: Wow! That sounds wonderful. So you really enjoyed yourself.

Alice: Yeah, but now I have to concentrate on my work and life here again.

Britney: Are you sad that you left the Bahamas?

Alice: No, one month there was enough for me. So what did you do during the month that I was away?

Britney: Well…



1.) Who has been working a lot? ________________________________________________

2.) Who went on a trip? For how long? ___________________________________________

3.) Have you travelled abroad this year? For how long? ____________________________
