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Conversation / neighbors

Alice and Britney


Britney: Well, it was okay. But you know actually, I had a slight cold, and wasn't feeling well. So, I just stayed in the hot tub.

Alice: What about Charlie and the kids?

Britney: Yeah, well, they had fun. They went down couple of slides and swam with tubes and all that.

Alice: Good. Sorry to hear that you were sick. How long were you out?

Britney: Not that long. It was just a one day thing. It got cleared up by the next day.

Alice: What about shopping? Don't tell me that you missed Denny뭩 Big Blowout sale?

Britney: No, I did go. Had to check it out. In fact it was just last week. You should've been there.

Alice: Were there a lot of people there?

Britney: Yeah, a heck of a lot of people getting designer clothes for 60% off.

Alice: Really!!! So did you get anything?

Britney: I got couple of blouses, 2 dinner dresses and 2 pairs of pumps.

Alice: Great. Come on. I can't wait to see them. Let's go upstairs and have a look. I got to try them on. Maybe they would fit me.

Britney: Alice, you jokester! Ha, ha, ha.



1.) Who was sick? For how long? _______________________________________________

2.) Who went shopping? Where? _______________________________________________

3.) What did Britney buy? ______________________________________________________

4.) What does ‘jokester’ mean? _________________________________________________