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Conversation / neighbors

Alice and Britney


*********Alice's phone rings: Ring...Ring...Ring...

Alice: Yes, Timber residence?

Britney: Hi Alice. It's me. We just finished the project. Are you ready to go?

Alice: Yeah. I'll see you outside by the car in 5 minutes.

Britney: Make it ten. I need to put the clothes in the washer, so that by the time we get back, they'll be done.

Alice: Ok. See you in ten minutes then. Bye.

*********In the car, heading to the mall?

Britney: So Alice what were you doing when I called you?

Alice: Oh, just catching up on some light reading. There is this new novel by Austin Pears. I just started it but it's already getting really exciting.

Britney: What's it called?

Alice: Harbor Springs. It is a story about this author who finds a note that quickly changes his life and sets a new course of life for him.

Britney: Sounds intriguing. Maybe we should drop by a book store on the way back.

Alice: Sure. We can get books and talk over coffee at our favorite coffee shop.



1.) What was Alice doing when Britney called? ___________________________________

2.) What is the name of the book? Who is the author? Who is reading it? _____________


3.) What is your favorite book? What is it about? __________________________________
