Page 6

Conversation / neighbors

Alice and Britney


********* Near the mall?

Alice: Ok. Let's find a good parking spot near the entrance to the mall.

Britney: I think all we'll find there is the handicapped parking? Oh, look. I take that back. There is a spot right there, next to post 73.

Alice: Wow, good eyes Alice. You were quick to spot that.

Britney: Yeah, well it occasionally happens.

Alice: Don't be so modest, Alice. You really have good eyes for things. Remember last week? We were at.. oh... what was that place where you got that red and yellow scarf with the matching dress and jacket for 110 bucks ($110.00)?

Britney: You mean the Blend and Things?

Alice: That's the one. See, you have good memory with stuff too.

Britney: It's no biggie. Let's just park and get in and check out the mall. Something tells me we'll find you a nice, something.

Alice: Well, even if we don't find anything, it is good to get out of the house and be here with you. 

Britney: Wow... Isn't that nice. You too; we always have fun together, right?

Alice: Definitely. Now, let's go try out a couple of dresses. You know, they won't wear themselves, ha ha ha.



1.) Where did they park the car? Where is it close to? _____________________________

2.) Which store are they going to? ______________________________________________

3.) What is your favorite colour? Do you wear designer outfits? _____________________
