Conversation Material
Level: Elementary

Scenario 3: Having Tea

***Two neighbors, Alice and Britney, are at Britney's house. Britney is serving tea.

Britney: Here we are. The water is boiling. Okay, so what kind of tea do you like?

Alice: Whatever you're having will be fine.

Britney: I love Red Rose Tea. It is like Earl Gray but with a hint of orange flavor.

Alice: I like it too. As the commercial says, "Red Rose Tea is only available in Canada."

Britney: I know. A friend of mine went to China and begged me to send her some Red Rose tea. All they have there, she said, is Green and Jasmine tea.

Alice: So what are your plans for the rest of the day?

Britney: Well, usually after my walk, I go to the community center, see who's there, read the paper for a while and talk with whoever is there and then go shopping before lunch.

Alice: How many shopping malls are here?

Britney: Quite a few. Depends on what you wanna get. But there are many. Wanna go shopping?

Alice: I think that would be great. Let me go home and get changed.

Britney: Ok. I need to make a quick list. See you by the care in, let's say 30 minutes?


1.) When will they meet each other again? ______________________________

2.) What does Britney do after her walk? ________________________________

3.) Which tea does Alice like? ________________________________________

4.) How many shopping malls are there? ________________________________

5.) Where can you find Red Rose Tea? _________________________________