Conversation Material

Level: Elementary

Scenario 5: At the Grocery Store

***Two neighbors, Alice and Britney, arrive at the Grocery Store.

Britney: Here we are.

Alice: Wow, this one is even bigger than the one I went to last.

Britney: I wonder if we can find a parking spot pretty close to... Oh, here we go; perfect spot.

***In the store...

Alice: So, Let me get my list out!

Britney: Well, here is a cart for you, and one for me.

Alice: What's first on your list?

Britney: Believe it or not, it is ice cream, for the kids. I am not going to get it yet. It will melt by the time we finish shopping. I will pick it up last.

Alice: Okay. I want some milk and cereal, eggs, butter and cheese.

Britney: Dairy it is then. It is up this isle to the end of the store and then hang right.

Alice: Do you want anything from that section?

Britney: Yeah, sure. I need some milk and yogurt, and after that, fruits and veggies.


1.) Where are they at? _______________________________________________

2.) What will they put their groceries in? _________________________________

3.) What is first on Alice's list? _________________________________________

4.) Where do Alice and Britney go to? ___________________________________

5.) Where is the Dairy section? ________________________________________