1.3 - Title: Telephone  wrong number

Title: _________________________



Useful Phrases

Is that not 556 8790?

I must’ve dialed the wrong number      You must have the wrong number

Sorry about that   I’m sorry; you’ve got the wrong number    Sorry to have troubled you

I’ll try and put you through            His direct number is …



Male: Hello, this is the press office.


Michelle: Rachel Allsop please.


Male: I’m sorry, You must have the wrong number. There’s no-one of that name here.


Michelle: Oh. Can I check the number I’ve got…. is that not 5568790?


Male: No, it’s 5558790.


Michelle: Oh sorry about that. I must have dialed the wrong number.


Male: No problem! Bye!


Male: Hello, press office, can I help you?


Ruth: Hello. Paul Richards, please.


Male: I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number, but he does work here. I’ll try and put you through. In future his direct number is 5558770.


Ruth: Did I not dial that?


Male: No you rang 5558790.


Ruth: Oh, sorry to have troubled you.


Male: No problem. Hang on a moment and I’ll put you through to Paul’s extension.


Ruth: Thanks.


1.) What is the problem?

(a) No one's home; (b) Ruth called the wrong number; (c) The male had the wrong number; (d) You are in a wrong place


2.) Make a list of the words to find in the dictionary.

English Korean English Korean


3.) Make a list of new idioms and expressions you did not know before.