Page 3:  Conversation Class

Title: _________________________

Track 5 - 6


Characters: Henson and Richard


Henson: Hey Rick, How is it going?


Rick: Hey bud(short for buddy), it is good to see you. I’m fine, how are you?


Henson: Busy as a busy bee. Things are happening fast and they don’t seem to end.


Rick: I hear you. I have to do a lot at work too. Sometimes I feel like my home is my office these days.


Henson: Really? You too?


Rick: yeah, and that has played a number on my girlfriend and I.


Henson: Oh yeah. So how is Sharon?


Rick: Well, she wishes I would spend more time at home.


Henson: I hear that. So what do you tell her?


Rick: I tell her that one of these days very soon, the workload will lighten up and I would be more free.


Henson: Wow. Good luck with that. My elevator is here. Got to go. Have a good one.


Rick: You too. Take it easy.


1.) Where is this meeting place?

(a) in a coffee shop; (b) at an office; (c) near an elevator; (d) at a water cooler


2.) Make a list of the words to find in the dictionary.

English Korean English Korean


3.) Make a list of new idioms and expressions you did not know before.