Page 4:  Conversation Class

Title: _________________________

Track 7 - 8


Characters: Simon and Birch


Simon: Hey Birch, How are things?


Birch: Fine, thanks. And you?


Simon: Well you know, I can’t complain. I just started a new job with a really good company and I’m happier than before. What’s up with you?


Birch: Not much. I still have my old job and I’m content with my situation. I’m okay.


Simon: How are your wife and kids?


Birch: They are well, thank you. Andrea (wife) has gone home to visit her parents; Jason and Jordon are great, getting straight A’s at school. How about your family?


Simon: Well, Laura (wife) just got a job at a new law firm that she likes. The twins are good too, winning trophies in basketball and soccer.


Birch: So good to catch up with you, old friend.


Simon: Same here, my friend. Let’s chat again very soon. Have a good day at work


Birch: You too Simon; you too.


1.) Where is this meeting place?

(a) at the office after work ; (b) before work; (c) in a subway car; (d) in Seoul


2.) Make a list of the words to find in the dictionary.

English Korean English Korean


3.) Make a list of new idioms and expressions you did not know before.