Page 9:  Conversation Class

Title: _________________________

Track 17 - 18

Characters: Philip and John


Philip: Hey John, happy holidays.


John: Hey, what’s a nice guy like you doing in a shabby place like this?


Philip: Well, let’s say I was in the neighborhood.


John: Well, if that’s not a line… No seriously, what brings you by?


Philip: Well, since you insist to know, your wife called and wondered if I could drop by and get you.


John: Here we go; the truth comes out. She put you up to it.


Philip: So, what are you doing here?


John: If you must know, I am drowning my sorrows away.


Philip: What sorrows? You have a beautiful caring wife and four lovely adorable children and …


John: Karen is leaving me. From the expression upon your face I gather she didn’t tell you.


Philip: What are you talking about? Why? How?


Philip: I don’t want to talk about it now, but you can grab a stool and sit down. Barkeep, give him a shot of the poison I’m having…


1.) Where is this meeting place?

(a) at Philip’s home; (b) on the street; (c) at a bar; (d) while delivering a pizza to John


2.) Make a list of the words to find in the dictionary.

English Korean English Korean


3.) Make a list of new idioms and expressions you did not know before.