TOEFL  - Listening
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Part A Questions 1- 30: Short conversations



Man: I've heard that the new Chemistry class is really difficult.
Woman: Oh, I wouldn't say that. I took Chemistry 402 last quarter, and I think the course went very smoothly.

Narrator: What does the woman mean?

(A) The chemistry class is very tough.
(B) The chemistry class is not teaching this quarter.
(C) The chemistry class is easier than the man thinks.
(D) The chemistry class should be avoided if possible.

"Oh, I wouldn't say that" indicates that the woman disagrees with the man. The best answer is C.

Woman: I've heard great things about that movie that just came out. You want to go see it tonight?

Man: I'd love to, but I've got a history final in two days, and I haven't studied all quarter. I think I'd better take
a rain check this time.

Narrator: What does the man mean?

(A) He needs to take a break from his studying.
(B) He loves the woman very much.
(C) He doesn't like going out in the rain.
(D) He will not be able to accompany the woman.

"I'd better take a rain check this time" means that the person "cannot do the activity." The correct answer is D.


Woman: The milk in the refrigerator is sour. I don't think it's drinkable.

Man: No joke. The expiration date was three weeks ago.

Narrator: What does the man imply?

(A) The woman has an extremely sour disposition.
(B) They need to replace the refrigerator.
(C) The woman is just kidding.
(D) It's not surprising the milk has ruined.

Man: It looks like Jane is coming apart at the seams. I think she should seek psychological help.

Woman: Oh, I wouldn't say that. She seems to be coping with her problems reasonably well.

Narrator: What does the woman imply?

(A) Jane is not losing emotional control.
(B) Jane is more intelligent than she seems.
(C) Jane made an excellent copy of the parts.
(D) Jane wouldn't say that.

Answers: Ex.3: D, Ex. 4 A


Man: What does Susan think about her new job? I've heard it through the grapevine that she's dissatisfied.

Woman: It's not exactly that. She simply feels that she's not cut out for it.

Narrator: What does the woman say about Susan?

(A) She is cutting classes.
(B) She works on grape vines.
(C) She feels she isn't suited for her new job.
(D) Susan's new job is too simple.

Woman: I'd like to buy a new car, but this model of Toyota is too expensive.

Man: More so than I thought.

Narrator: What does the man say about the car?

(A) He thinks it is extremely nice.
(B) He thought the car was less expensive.
(C) He would like to take it for a test ride.
(D) He would prefer more choices.

Answers: Ex. 5: C, Ex. 6: B


Man: John's grades in math are incredibly low. Maybe he needs a tutor to get through the class.

Woman: That could be true, but we should talk to him first.

Narrator: What are these people probably going to do next?

(A) Study math with John.
(B) Take John to a doctor.
(C) Discuss the problem with John.
(D) Find John a study group.


Woman: What a birthday party! All of the food is great--but this strawberry cheesecake is especially good.
Why don't you try some?
Man: If I weren't on a diet I would. Strawberry cheesecake is my favorite.

Narrator: What is the man probably going to do?

(A) Pass up the food.

(B) Try a bite of the cake.
(C) Buy a strawberry cheesecake.
(D) Get the recipe for the cake.

Answers: Ex.7: C, Ex. 8 A


Man: It's really hot today. The temperature must be over a hundred. The forecast is for rain in the afternoon.

Woman: How about putting off the picnic until tomorrow?

Narrator: What does the woman suggest that they do?
(A) Take a walk in the rain.
(B) Delay their outing.
(C) Go on a picnic.
(D) Find out the weather forecast.

EX. 10
Woman: I just can't stand my job anymore. My boss is not supportive at all.
Man: If I were you I wouldn't take it anymore. I'd let her know how you feel.

Narrator: What does the man suggest the woman do?

(A) Take more rest breaks while at work..
(B) Quit her job and find a new one.
(C) Request an immediate leave of absence from her boss.
(D) Confront her supervisor.

Answers: Ex. 9: B, Ex. 10: D


Woman: The truck is gone and I don't see Fred anywhere.

Man: He must have decided to go to work after all.

Narrator: What had the man assumed about Fred?

(A) Fred had stolen a truck.
(B) Fred wasn't going to work.
(C) Fred couldn't make a decision…
(D) Fred's truck was broken down…

Man: Michael passed the GRE test easily.

Woman: You're surprised?

Narrator: What had the woman assumed about Michael?
(A) Michael would do well on the test.
(B) Michael never talked about his past.
(C) Michael surprised his professor.
(D) Michael was in love with her.

Answers: Ex 11: B, Ex. 12: A


Man: When it comes to fixing faucets, I hear you're the best in town..

Woman: That, and replacing pipes.

Narrator: What can be inferred about the woman?

(A) She's a heavy smoker.
(B) She plays the organ.
(C) She owns four sets of pipes.
(D) She is a plumber.

Woman: You had three rebounds and four blocked shots on the court tonight.

Man: Don't forget my twelve assists and twenty points.

Narrator: What can be inferred about the man?

(A) He needs assistance to solve his problem.
(B) He was shot four times during the robbery.
(C) He played in a basketball game.
(D) His case was blocked in court.

Answers: 13:D, 14:C


Man: It sounds like it is going to be extremely tough. I've heard that at the end of the quarter most of the
questions are essay.

Woman: I hope not. I really prefer matching or multiple choice.
Narrator: What are these people talking about?

(A) A final exam they are going to take.
(B) A multiplication problem that they cannot find the solution to.
(C) A journey they are about to take.
(D) Something they forgot to say to their friend.

Woman: She said to cut down on my fat intake and to get more exercise. The checkup didn't last long.

Man: Did you talk to her about the problem with your ear?
Narrator: What are these speakers discussing?
(A) A sporting event.
(B) A doctor's appointment.
(C) A grammar exercise.
(D) Taking overweight people to the gym..

Answers: 15:A, 16: B


Woman: Put your foot on the clutch and gently depress it.

Man: But every time I do it, it jumps.

Narrator: What is the man's problem?
(A) His bicycle is broken.
(B) He doesn't perform well in the clutch.
(C) He doesn't know how to drive.
(D) He is extremely depressed and nervous.

Man: Here, take this towel. You're dripping all over the floor.

Woman: I got caught in a downpour.

Narrator: What is the woman's problem?

(A) She spilled her coffee as she was pouring it.
(B) She was arrested by the police.
(C) She tripped on the floor.
(D) She is soaked.

Answers: 17: C, 18 D



Below is a section of TOEFL listening questions. Listen to the Audio File and answer the questions:  


(A) He can have more than four guests at his graduation.
(B) His brother isn’t going to graduate this semester.
(C) He didn’t know that Jane wanted to be invited.
(D) He’s going to invite Jane.


(A) Listen to the traffic report on the radio
(B) Take a later train.
(C) Ron to catch the next train.
(D) Check the weekend schedule.


(A) Pelivet the notebook to Kathy.
(B) Pind out where Kathy put the notebook.
(C) Ask Kathy to explain the chemistry notes.
(D) Ask Kathy for the man’s notebook.


(A) The walk is shorter than the woman thinks it is.
(B) The lecture has already started.
(C) They won’t have a problem getting seats.
(D) The lecture may be canceled.


(A) The woman should have studied French in Paris.
(B) He didn’t study French in high school.
(C) Living in Paris helped improve the woman’s language skills.
(D) The woman must have had a good French teacher.


(A) Apologize to his roommate.
(B) Give the notes to the woman.
(C) Call the woman tonight.
(D) Take the woman’s notes to his roommate.


(A) She doesn’t have time to talk to Dr. Foster.
(B) She needs the additional time to finish her paper.
(C) Dr. Foster hasn’t finished grading the papers.
(D) She wants the man to help her with her paper.

8. (A) Phone the Cliffside Inn for a reservation.
(B) Ask her parents to come a different
(C) Call local hotels again in a few days.
(D) Find a hotel again in a few days.


(A) Main her some information about the conference.
(B) Drive her to the conference.
(C) Attend the conference in her place.
(D) Collect her main while she’s at the conference.


(A)The man should stop by the bookstore on the way to class.
(B) The man can return the books he doesn’t need.
(C) The man should have bought his books earlier.
(D) The man won’t need books on the first day of class.


(A) Help the man with his essay.
(B) Ask Sue to rehearse with her.
(C) Wait to rehearse until the man has finished his essay.
(D) Meinerize her lines by herself.


(A) Show her the newspaper that he’s talking about.
(B) Think about getting an internship at another place.
(C) Sign up for more than one journalism class.
(D) Call The Times about the internship.


(A)He isn’t as good a tennis player as he used to be.
(B) He hasn’t had time to play tennis recently.
(C) He caught a cold shortly after the tournament.
(D) He think he’s more important than he is.

14. (A)He’ll graduate before the woman.
(B) He hopes to graduate before the summer.
(C) He doesn’t want to attend school
(D) The woman won’t be able to keep up the

15. (A) It’s too late to buy the morning newspaper.
(B) He doesn’t want to go to the concert.
(C) The box office is closed today.
(D) All of the tickets have been sold.

16. (A) The woman swims as well as he does.
(B) He doesn’t have time to teach the woman
to swim.
(C) He doesn’t enjoy swimming.
(D) He learned to swim at a young age.


(A) She has already started working on her research project.
(B) She can’t decide on a research topic.
(C) She’d like to discuss her research with the man.
(D) She has to change the subject of her research.


(A) Introduce the woman to his neighbor.
(B) Get a key from his neighbor.
(C) Study in his neighbor’s apartment.
(D) Borrow some books from his neighbor.


(A) The man shouldn’t hire the same tutor that she had.
(B) She isn’t prepared for the midterm exam either.
(C) It’s too late to find a tutor.
(D) The man should hire a tutor before the midterm exam


(A) Stay in the hotel for at least two nights.
(B) Leave the hotel the next morning.
(C) Ask the hotel clerk for her room key.
(D) Complain to the manager about the extra charges.


(A) He doesn’t recommend going to Central Mountain.
(B) He doesn’t plan to go skiing during spring break.
(C) He has never been to Central Mountain.
(D) He isn’t an experienced skier.


(A) She knows who the top history student is.
(B) She hasn’t read the campus newspaper today.
(C) The man is mistaken.
(D) It’s surprising that her roommate likes history.


(A) He’s not qualified to proofread the woman’s report.
(B) He’ll be able to talk to the woman in a few minutes.
(C) He hadn’t noticed a lot of the woman’s mistakes.
(D) He thinks the woman should have asked him sooner.


(A) Practice her presentation in front of him.
(B) Find out who her audience will be tomorrow.
(C) Try not to think about her audience.
(D) Watch him make his presentation.


(A) She’s also curious about who won the game.
(B) She didn’t go to the game.
(C) She was sitting right behind the man at the game.
(D) She also left the game early.


(A) Make a shopping list.
(B) Buy some groceries.
(C) Finish making the salad.
(D) Wait for the woman to return.


(A) He finds the dictionary very useful.
(B) He knows where the woman put the dictionary.
(C) he doesn’t expect the woman to replace the dictionary.
(D) The woman should buy her own dictionary.


(A) She plans to miss soccer practice.
(B) She’ll arrive at the party after
(C) Soccer practice will end later than usual.
(D) She’ll go to soccer practice after the party.


(A) Dr. Smith told her something important.
(B) Dr. Smith didn’t understand what she said.
(C) She wanted to protect Dr. Smith’s feelings.
(D) She didn’t intend to say what she said.


(A) He sells paint supplies.
(B) He plans to take an art class with the woman.
(C) He works as an artist.
(D) He works in an art museum.


(A) The cost of meals in the cafeteria.
(B) The size of the cafeteria.
(C) Career opportunities in cafeterias.
(D) The food served in the cafeteria.


(A) Giving advice on nutrition.
(B) Cooking food for the students.
(C) Listening to complaints about service.
(D) Serving food to the students.


(A) Find other students who will work in the cafeteria.
(B) Collect students’ opinions about meals.
(C) As students to try a new dish he has made.
(D) Teach students about the disadvantages of frying food.


(A) Stop serving hamburgers and fried chicken.
(B) Use less sauce on the food.
(C) Make some of the meals less fattening.
(D) Buy less expensive food.


(A) Somewhat curious.
(B) Very skeptical.
(C) Quite irritated.
(D) Not at all interested.


(A) That he’ll be performing in a concert.
(B) That he had a conversation with the director of a choir.
(C) That he heard a new musical composition by Barbara Johnson.
(D) That he’s been translating some Latin poems for a class.


(A) They’re members of the Latin club on campus.
(B) They work as editors.
(C) They attended the same concert.
(D) Music is their major field of study.


(A) She was upset.
(B) She was confused.
(C) She was amused.
(D) She was grateful.

39. (A) Some photographs that he took of her during the concert.
(B) A tape recording that he made of the concert.
(C) A review of the concert that he wrote for the campus paper.
(D) The corrected text from the program of the concert.


(A) The skills cowboys learned on the range.
(B) The evolution of rodeos.
(C) The recent decline in the popularity of rodeos.
(D) The growth of the cattle industry.


(A) They were small informal events.
(B) Competitors were awarded large prizes.
(C) Large audiences attended them.
(D) There were standard rules for judging events.


(A) It is the only traveling rodeo.
(B) it is the largest agricultural fair.
(C) It is the oldest annual rodeo.
(D) It was the first rodeo to charge admission.


(A) How animals react to frightening situations.
(B) Why mice are particularly fearful animals.
(C) Whether fearfulness is a genetic trait.
(D) Why certain animals are feared by humans.


(A) They fought with the other mice.
(B) They stayed close to their mothers.
(C) They ran back and forth constantly.
(D) They remained close to one wall.


(A) The extent of damage to the nervous system.
(B) The presence or absence of certain nerve-cell receptors.
(C) The size of nerve-cell receptors in the brain.
(D) The level of danger in the mammal’s environment.


(A) To show the relationship between fearfulness and environment.
(B) To give examples of animals that aren’t fearful.
(C) To compare fear in mammals to fear in other animals.
(D) To identify the nerves that control fear in certain animals.


(A) Why water flows from artesian springs.
(B) How artesian wells are drilled.
(C) Why artesian springs are important to geologic research.
(D) How aquifers are formed.


(A)They pump water from the aquifer.
(B) They purify the water in the aquifer.
(C) They store excess water from the aquifer.
(D) They trap water in the aquifer.


(A)By eroding layers of sediment above it.
(B) By traveling through cracks in layers of rock.
(C) By reversing its flow down the aquicludes.
(D) By boiling up through pores in the aquifer.


(A) It pushes the water upward.
(B) It keeps the water cool.
(C) It holds the water underground.
(D) It creates holes in the aquiclude.

