TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 1
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TOEFL Speaking Test, Question 1

Directions: For this task, you will be asked to speak about a topic that is familiar to you. You will hear a question. You will then have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Question

Talk about your country’s national anthem or flag. Where is it used and where can it be found today? Include details and examples to support your response.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer

America’s national anthem is called the Star Spangled Banner. It is an old song that was created by an American man as he watched British ships bombard an American fort in the American Revolutionary War. The national anthem talks about rockets and bombs that were shot at an American fort, but the fort didn’t give up. And in the morning, the American flag could still be seen through all the smoke and rockets bursting in air. The national anthem can be heard before any sporting event in America. It is played before baseball games, football games, tennis matches, rodeos, and car races. It is a very famous song that has a very famous history.