TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 5
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Directions: For this task, you will listen to a dialogue. You will hear a question about it. You will then have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.


 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Question

Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two students.


Student 1(female): Hey, Ryan, are you going to be Dennis’s roommate again next semester?


Student 2(male): Actually, Tara, I’m not so sure. I might not be back at school next semester. I’m having some money issues and might take a semester or two off and move back home.


Student 1: But, what happened to your scholarship? I thought it covered your tuition and housing?


Student 2: Well, it does, but I let my grades slip and now they are just below what I need to keep my scholarship. I don’t think I studied hard enough this semester.


Student 1: Wow. I’m sorry. School just won’t be the same without you. Isn’t there something you can do? Maybe you could apply for a loan?


Student 2: I thought about that. I could take out a student loan to pay for tuition and all, but that is so much money that I have to repay. I’m not sure if I want to have that responsibility. Some people are still paying off student loans even 20 years after they graduate!


Student 1: Well, I suppose you could get a few jobs over the summer and save up some money. Right?


Student 2: I guess so, but it still might not be enough. I might have to work for a full year to save up enough to pay for tuition and housing at the university. I don’t know what to do, but I know I want to finish my degree.


Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.


Narrator: The students are discussing the man’s problem. What do you think the man should do? Give reasons to support your choice.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer

I think that the man should take out a loan to pay for his school. Most people who go to school that don’t have some sort of scholarship have to take out loans to pay for their college. He should not take the time off of school to work and earn money in hopes that he would earn enough to be able to pay for classes. If he worked for a year and still didn’t have enough money for school, what would he do? He would be immensely disappointed and he would still have to work another semester to pay for his tuition. If he can take out a loan, he can work after he graduates to pay off the loan. Most people do this, and this is the better option. His goal is to finish his degree. So, his first priority is to go to school. If it really would take him 20 years to pay off his loan, does he think he can earn all that money in only a year’s worth of work, or even in only one semester? He should go to school now, and then he has the rest of his life to pay off his loan. He shouldn’t spend so much of his life working to pay for school, and then his last few years working. Also, after he gets his degree, he can get a higher paying job, so it would take him less time to pay off his loans.