TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 5
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Directions: For this task, you will listen to a dialogue. You will hear a question about it. You will then have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.


 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Question

Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two students.


Student 1(male): Wow, I always get fired up and excited when I hear one of those political speeches by Senator Bill.


Student 2(female): Well, if you enjoy them so much, then why don’t you go work on his campaign? I think they’re looking for people to help.


Student 1: I really want to, but I already have a job, and lots of classes. I don’t think I’d be able to juggle two jobs, going to class, and studying.


Student 2: Why don’t you quit your job and go work for the senator if you believe in him so much?


Student 1: Well, I’ve been working at the bookstore for so long now. It’d feel like I was abandoning my boss. I really don’t make so much there, but after graduation, that reference will look really good on my résumé.


Student 2: Don’t you think a recommendation from a political candidate would be even better for a résumé then a local bookstore owner’s?


Student 1: Yeah, it would, but working at the bookstore is also a good job to have while I’m in school. It’s usually pretty slow around there, so I can catch up on my homework while I’m at work. I think working on a campaign would be rather time consuming.


Student 2: Well, I don’t think that would be a problem for you. It’s like you love to stay busy. Whenever I come get you to go to a party or to go out, you’re always working or studying. I think you enjoy being so busy.


Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.


Narrator: The woman tries to persuade the man to do something. Say what she tries to persuade him to do. Then state which of the solutions you prefer and why.

   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer


The woman tries to persuade the man to get a new job. The man has just heard a speech given by a politician, a…uh…senator. The woman thinks that the man should go work for the senator’s campaign. She says that it would look better than the recommendation the man would get from working at his current job at the bookstore. The woman also says that the man really likes to hear the senator speak, so the man should go work for him, and then he can hear the senator speak all the time. The man thinks he wouldn’t have enough time for his new job, but the woman seems to think that the man really likes to keep himself busy and enjoys always doing things.