TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 5
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Directions: For this task, you will listen to a dialogue. You will hear a question about it. You will then have 20 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.


 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Question

Narrator: Listen to a conversation between two students.



Student 1(female): Brad, I need some advice.


Student 2(male): How can I help, June?


Student 1: Hmmm. Here’s the deal. I can finish all my major classes and graduate next semester, but I want to take a French class before I graduate. If I try to fit that French class in next semester, I would be taking more classes than I’ve ever had in one semester. I don’t know if I could manage all that studying. I don’t want to get bad grades my last semester.


Student 2: Well, you could just graduate one semester later, couldn’t you? Is it that big of a deal?


Student 1: I had really hoped to graduate in four years. All my plans up until now have been on schedule, but now I want to take that extra class.


Student 2: If you do decide to graduate one semester later, you could actually manage to take French 101 next semester and then French 102 the following semester when you graduate. And you’d actually be taking less classes each of those two semesters.


Student 1: Yeah, but I’d still be graduating a semester late. I don’t know if my parents would approve of that. It would also cost a little more to take one extra semester.


Student 2: A semester’s tuition isn’t cheap.


Student 1: I know, but whatever I do, I’ve already decided to take French.


Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.


Narrator: The students discuss two possible solutions to the woman’s problems. Describe the problem. Then state which solution you prefer and explain why.

   <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer


The woman, June, wants to take a French class before she graduates, but she is going to graduate next semester, and she is already taking a lot of classes that semester. She doesn’t know what to do. The man says she can graduate one semester later and maybe take two French classes. But if she does this, she will have to pay for an extra semester’s tuition. But if she does this, she will also take less classes each of those two semesters, and I think she will probably get better grades if she can have more time to study. I wouldn’t take too many classes in one semester, even if I really wanted to take a certain class. The woman would have to pay a little more, but I think it would be worth it, and she would be happier taking her French class when she has less work to do each semester.