TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 2
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Directions: In this question, you will be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Some people think that books and other methods of print are slowly being replaced by the Internet, TV, and other media. Others think that there will always be a need for printed material. What do you think and why? Give examples and details in your response.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer

I think that books and other methods of print are slowly being replaced by other media, but I don’t think they will be replaced entirely. The Internet, TV, and other forms of media are making it much easier to store data like reports and books. It might be nice to have “hard copies” like paper for some things, but paper is a limited resource that will eventually be exhausted. When books were first printed hundreds and hundreds of years ago, they were considered extremely valuable because they were so rare. I think this will eventually happen again as books are slowly, very slowly replaced by digital media. Now, entire books can be found and read on the Internet with no paper involved at all. This method is more convenient and less costly—both money wise and for the environment. No trees were killed in the creation of an internet book or eBook.