TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 2
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Directions: In this question, you will be asked to give your opinion about a familiar topic. After you hear the question, you will have 15 seconds to prepare your response and 45 seconds to speak.

Some universities have a strict policy that freshman must live on campus in dorms for their first year. Other universities have no policy like this and allow students to decide where they would like live. Which policy do you think is better for the first-year students and why? Use details and examples in your response.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer

At my college, it was a requirement that students live on campus for their first year. As a freshman, I thought this policy was horrible, as did lots and lots of my classmates. It is the American way to be able to pick and choose as much of your own life as you can, and I felt extremely limited by this school policy. But now that I have lived on campus, I think this is a great policy. I think the policy originally has to do with making sure the dorms are filled up for monetary reasons, but the fact is that it is really a great experience for students who have never been to college before. I got to meet so many of my classmates just by living on campus. If I had lived in an apartment off campus, I don’t think I would have enjoyed the rest of my college years so much.