TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 3
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Directions: In this question, you will read a short announcement and then listen to a dialogue on the same topic. You will then answer a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.  

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Question

Narrator: Springfield University is planning another increase in tuition and fees. Read the announcement from the president of the university. You will have 45 seconds to read the announcement. Begin reading now.


Announcement from the President

For the past five years, there has been no increase in tuition and fees have remained the same, but now the university has decided to increase tuition by 5% each year for the next four years for all students. This raise in tuition will begin next fall semester. This increase is due to increased costs in construction for our new projects as well as the need to upgrade our existing equipment. The increased revenue from tuition will help keep this university in top form as well as help our students stay competitive in an increasingly competitive world.



Narrator: Listen to two students as they discuss the announcement.


Student 1(female): Four years of tuition increase to look forward too. Great!


Student 2(male): Yeah, but I think that’s understandable. Paying only 5% more each year isn’t that unreasonable, is it?


Student 1: Maybe it isn’t unreasonable if the money goes to good use. But I don’t want to be paying more just so the president can give herself a raise.


Student 2: I bet the money will go to help finish the library and the computer labs. They’ve been under construction since I got here, three years ago. It would be great if they could finish them before I graduate. I’d really like to use some of those new high-tech computers.


Student 1: That’s right. You’re gonna graduate soon. You won’t have to pay all of the increases. You just have one more year to go. I still have at least three more years worth of tuition increases to worry about.


Student 2: Yeah, I won’t have to pay for all of the increases so I don’t mind so much, but I also won’t get to use all the new equipment that you will.


Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.


Narrator: The man expresses his opinion of the announcement about the tuition increase. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer

 The man thinks that the increase in tuition isn’t such a bad thing. First of all, the increase isn’t that much. It’s only 5% for each year. The man thinks that increase isn’t unreasonable. He explains that the money from the increase will be used to help improve the campus. When the man arrived at this university, he said the library and computer lab were under construction. That was three years ago and they still aren’t finished. With this new money, the man thinks the university’s projects will all be finished and the new library and computer lab will be really nice. The man also says that he won’t have to pay all of the tuition increases because he is going to graduate soon. But, he is a little sad that he won’t be able to use all the new equipment.