TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 3
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Directions: In this question, you will read a short announcement and then listen to a dialogue on the same topic. You will then answer a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.  

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Question

Narrator: The local university newspaper is hiring students for its staff. Read the announcement from The Torch. You will have 45 seconds to read the announcement. Begin reading now.



The Torch

The university newspaper, The Torch, is now taking applications from students who are interested in joining the staff. There are several different positions available and experience in journalism is not required. This is the chance to get the experience that you need to get a jump-start on your future while also serving and supporting your classmates and student body. We have positions available for students interested in writing, photography, advertising, and art design. Please bring resume and apply in person at The Torch’s office, Rm 407 in the Patrick Building next to the cafeteria.



Narrator: Listen to two students as they discuss the announcement.


Student 1(male): Stella, aren’t you studying to be a journalist?


Student 2(female): Yes, I am. I’m also studying very hard and taking lots of journalism classes that will prepare me as well as lots of other English classes. I don’t really have time for a job now.


Student 1: But, all those extra classes you’re taking aren’t really Journalism classes, are they? Why are you taking them?


Student 2: Well, those classes also look good on a resume.


Student 1: Don’t you think that a job as a journalist for a university paper might look good too? Maybe even better because it is practical experience?


Student 2: Maybe you’re right. But I’m already so busy!


Student 1: You could always cut back on your study time for your extra classes. Experience in your field might be worth more than a few excellent grades in classes that are not required for your major. If you really think you can’t fit in a job, maybe you could drop some of your non-major classes altogether so you’d have time for work.


Student 2: Those are some things to think about. I hope there are still positions available!


Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.


Narrator: The man expresses his opinion of the announcement regarding working on the student newspaper. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer

The man thinks that the woman should apply for the job. The job is for a position at a school newspaper and the woman is majoring in Journalism. He thinks that this job would be perfect for her, but she says she doesn’t have any time for a job in her busy schedule. The man finds out that the woman is taking extra classes that are unrelated to her field, and thinks that maybe she should drop those classes to make time for her to work at the paper. He thinks that experience working at the paper would look better on her resume than some extra classes that aren’t in the field of Journalism. If the woman doesn’t want to drop her classes all together, the man suggests that maybe she could just not study so much for her classes that she doesn’t need for her major. The man thinks that a newspaper job is more important than a few excellent grades in some classes that aren’t for the woman’s major.