TOEFL  - Speaking
Question 3
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Directions: In this question, you will read a short announcement and then listen to a dialogue on the same topic. You will then answer a question about them. After you hear the question, you will have 30 seconds to prepare your response and 60 seconds to speak.  

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Question

Narrator: The Student Government Association is holding a person of the year award. Read the announcement about the award. You will have 45 seconds to read the announcement. Begin reading now.



A Student Government Announcement

The Student Government Association, SGA, has decided they would like to sponsor a Person of the Year award at the university. This award is for a teacher, student, or member of the staff who has made a difference or has had a positive impact on the university community. Please submit nominees’ names and a brief essay detailing the impact this person has made on the community to the SGA office in Building 400, RM. 107. Nominees’ names must be submitted before October 23rd. For more information, stop by the SGA front desk.



Narrator: Listen to two students as they discuss the announcement.


Student 1(female): Hey Tom, do you have any ideas for the nomination?


Student 2(male): Yes, in fact I do. I am going to nominate Corey Peace for Person of the Year.


Student 1: Who is that?


Student 2: He is the groundskeeper for the football field.


Student 1: Are you serious? You’re nominating the groundskeeper? Why don’t I nominate the janitor at our dorm! He always keeps the bathrooms so clean.


Student 2: No, I’m serious. Have you been to a football game lately? The field is gorgeous. He keeps the grass nice and green and all those bushes we have around the field are always trimmed perfectly.


Student 1: You think just because the field is pretty he deserves an award?


Student 2: It’s not just that, he is also in charge of the flowers that spell out our schools name in the stadium. All that takes a lot of work. Our football field was even featured in a college sports magazine as one of the top 10 fields in the nation. Now that is something special.


Narrator: Now get ready to answer the question.


Narrator: The man expresses his opinion about nominations for an award. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

 <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Answer

The man is expressing his opinion about who he is going to nominate for the person of the year award. The nominations are open for all students, so the man wants to nominate the groundskeeper for the football field. The woman thinks that the man is joking, but he has some good reasons for his nomination. According to the man, when he goes to a football game, the field is very pretty and very green. He thinks it must take some really hard work to keep so much grass looking so nice after each football game. The groundskeeper also keeps the hedges around the field trimmed, and he even takes care of the flowers in the stadium that spell out the school’s name. The man thinks all this is a lot of work for one person. The man also mentions that the field is nationally recognized in a college magazine. The field is one of the top 10 in the nation.